dying of plague to own the libs
brace belden's rant about being a plague rat and spreading it to your masters but for CHUDs
Now do what would have happened if Americans had all had the fortitude of Air Traffic Controllers 40 years ago
Whatever you do, do not click the FreedomFlu hashtag.
You've been warned.
One of these days they're going to stumble ass backwards into striking.
what if they stumble ass backwards into actual communism :pingu-horny:
I've seen them invent communes as a way to escape the goberment
We need a stronger word. We need something that properly conveys the intensity of each perspective's reaction. Chuds aren't ignorant of history, libs are ignorant of history.
Chuds are flying blind in a hurricane force wind against history.
If we'd have all pretended that the virus doesn't exist, then we'd have won! Duh.
Seriously, I reckon this is one of those guys who think we should have just let it kill millions because fuck em they're weak.
I will always be eternally jealous of fascists. They are allowed to pick and choose what's true, and since they've won the internet culture wars, any challenge to them will get you labelled a "blue-haired SJW" and get you scoffed at.
Sure, they're brain-dead, but they're braindead and happy.