Later goes on to say that claiming all billionaires are rightwing is a "self-serving myth" lmao.
Later goes on to say that claiming all billionaires are rightwing is a "self-serving myth" lmao.
Bernie got better coverage than prior candidates in so far as he did actually get some coverage and not all of it was open contempt. But he was also significantly more popular than the Dennis Kuccinichs and Jesse Jacksons of yesteryear (ironically, thanks to Hillary clearing the field in 2016 and spotlighting him as the only serious opposition).
There's a nut of truth to the idea of leftism as a cultural force. If you want to take a materialist approach to economic and political analysis, then language and religion and regional affectation are going to have a role in that. Building a truly egalitarian society is as vital to the socialist project as building unions or forming co-opts or killing landlords, because de-atomizing one's community is a necessary precondition of large scale collective action.
If you hate your coworkers and fear your neighbors, all the Leftist theory in the world won't save you.
Greenwald's always been in bed with the libertarians. His hatred for the Bushs and the Clintons was useful in the moment, but it mostly served to occlude his shitty personal views. Now that they've been sidelined, all he can do is let his freak flag fly.