trump-feed biden-harbinger


    9 months ago

    China has an explicit stance of “we will attack and contain whoever the aggressor is if hostilities resume in Korea”. unless the plan is for all faults to slip at once and the USA to be forced into every conflict it feared would erupt for the past century, i think China is perfectly content to sit back and watch the yanks fumble their way through the terminal stages of imperial decline. they want to avoid direct confrontation, not spark it

    i wouldn’t be super worried about Korea. bluster and and ominous threats from the Kims are nothing new

    • star_wraith [he/him]
      8 months ago

      A war on the Korean peninsula doesn’t really serve anyone’s interests at this point. From the US POV it’s a stable situation when they’re already facing increasing problems on other fronts. The DPRK is perfectly rational so maybe they try and use the US being over extended to get some concessions but that’s about the extent of it that I see.