Hey, everyone, I'm thelitcritguy. I co-host the horror movie podcast Horror Vanguard, have been a regular guest on Revolutionary Left Radio, and make Youtube videos on culture and aesthetics. I write on horror, capitalism, and cultural criticism (you can read my last piece here https://readpassage.com/the-horror-of-capitalism-squid-game-and-the-gothic-trap-of-debt/)

Ask Me Anything!

  • thelitcritguy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    If there is a difference I think it is in terms of technology -- we can represent much more than we used to be able to but horror doesn't depend upon strict representational fidelity. A good horror movie uses similar techniques as classic horror literature. In terms of theme and style, horror is a form deeply aware of its history so it has a dialectical relation to its own historical continuity which means that all new ideas get incorporated into a longer genealogy that becomes fuel for future innovation