I thought it wasn't starting til' 10pm my time when it actually started much, much earlier.
I was free all day and really looking forward to it too. :deeper-sadness:
The majority of the people on the site are likely from Commiefornia/the West Coast regardless, so I don't think it would be entirely unwarranted/catering only to me (No offense to anyone who isn't, I know you exist too).
Yeah, the joke doesn't even necessarily have to be ditched, but just have the other "translated" time(s) included alongside.
It doesn't help that everything's in military time too, which makes any time after 12pm just that little bit more confusing on top of everything.
Foreign agents matter too 😟
Oh I think in 24 hour time anyway already. I’m pretty sure am/pm is basically an american thing lol
But yeah, extra timezones helps a lot
If it were on it's own I can deal, it's just when it's compounded with the other stuff where it adds to the confusion.
Oh yis, for sure