"Read Settlers" is a meme, but it's also a true meme. You should read it, or read other things about this thesis regarding the white working class in the US (I've heard other Marxists have since improved on Sakai's thesis but I don't know who they are).

White Americans are doubling down on the racism. As white settler colonialism is starting to face just a little bit of opposition (like teaching kids that maybe the US isn't a perfect, God-blessed country), they are losing their minds over the idea of losing even a tiny bit of their privileges. This is still a perfectly material explanation. White folks have enjoyed an incredible level of privilege since the beginning of this country and they will fight viciously to keep all of it.

IMO the bulk of white Americans are a lost cause. Not to say white folks can't be revolutionary (I'm white), but I think we probably should be spending our very limited time and resources on folks outside the imperial core break from western imperialism, and focus on the oppressed within the core. Any white Americans who want to join in are welcome but any concession to white supremacy is unacceptable.

Edit: to clarify, I'm not saying the Dems lost because racism or whatever. I don't care if the Dems win or lose, it doesn't matter. My point is much more about using electoral results and the campaigns that precede them to see where winds are blowing. It seems that "CRT" and fear-mongering about crime (and thus the need to fund even more cops) was a very effective message in appealing to large segments of the population - particularly the white population.

  • star_wraith [he/him]
    3 years ago

    If you’re equating the revolutionary potential in America with how many people vote Democratic each election, I don’t know what to tell you

    If I was doing that, I would 100% agree with you. But as I mentioned in my other comment, it's more about the GOP whipping white people up about "CRT" and how there's this massive increase in crime that we need the cops for, and that message appears to be gaining traction. Fuck the democratic party, of course, this isn't about their success or failure.

    • Vanjones [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      You do realize i want to go back to brunch was not a joke right? Biden barely won by engaging a bunch of party animals and whipping them into a frenzy.

      They are gone. Litteraly they are at brunch.

      The gop has whipped a large section of poor white people into a frenzy and those fuckers love sports.

    • Vncredleader [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Bud we were never gonna win by stopping the racists of america from bitching about CRT or whatever other boogeyman. the GOP has been even more braindead and evil before this, it shouldn't matter much for the hope of revolution how invested elderly white conservatives are in GOP BS. Far more people had investments in the Tsarist regime, many in continuing WW1, a not-insignificant amount in the Black Hundreds; how insane the farthest right is, does not detract the revolutionary potential from people with the same amount of melanin. If that was true how did the KKK resurge and Jim Crow was in full effect while CPUSA had its biggest membership and power? If that's not what you are saying, then what are you saying beyond just that racist whites are being racist? Cause trust me, the surge in anti-CRT stuff is not any bit worse than how universally bloodthirsty the american consensus was for murdering Muslims 20 years ago, or towards LGBTQ during Bush's 2nd term. Bush won reelection running on trying to legally block gay marriage constitutionally

    • NaturalsNotInIt [any]
      3 years ago

      Nobody's being "whipped" into anything. Thousands of white workers are on-strike telling their companies to shove offers up their ass, but some stupid culture war bullshit making a shitty Democrat lost means all is lost, because clearly the "revolutionary potential" has to do with whether or not liberals win elections (straight out of the DNC slack channel, God damn)

      If people can be manipulated this easily by the GOP, they can be manipulated by a revolutionary force.