:frothingfash: :chad-trotsky:
(Just gonna put out there that this is a common myth among neonazis. An Indian Affairs officer coined the term)
Anyway, I’m shocked Mr. Resting-Dipshit-Face’s sub reclined into open fascism.
:frothingfash: :chad-trotsky:
(Just gonna put out there that this is a common myth among neonazis. An Indian Affairs officer coined the term)
Anyway, I’m shocked Mr. Resting-Dipshit-Face’s sub reclined into open fascism.
Trotsky's takes and proposals were never even remotely popular or supported within the party , even during Lenin. It is a nice what if but this isnt a power struggle where Stalin won while trotsky realisticaly could have too, he never came close to being the leading or popular figure within the party politicaly . That shows that maybe his policies and ideology cant be confined to the "global revolution and international stuff" and included a ton of economic and domestic policies that both that the party didnt support and we have no reason to believe that them being ennacted "if trotsky was the man" would lead to comperable successes in industrial, economic and cultural development and stability