Green line - to have 66% chance of keeping temperature below 1.5C we have to reach net zero in 2030
Blue line - to have 50% chance of keeping temperature below 1.5C we have to reach net zero in 2040
Orange line - to have 66% chance of keeping temperature below 2C we have to reach net zero in 2075
Red line - to have 50% chance of keeping temperature below 2C we have to reach net zero in 2085
Black line - reality
Do you by chance have the source you pulled this graph from? Would love to read whatever accompanied it
Yeah. The particular graph is from this tweet by a climate scientist
But the source is from IPCC SR(Special Report) 15, chapter 2, table 2.2
He just visualized it by putting linear line towards emission goal on top of historical emission for perspective. Note that in reality, you can somewhat offset the emission with currently nonexistent negative emission technology.