• Llabyrinthine@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Did a mad dash to the You Yangs. Weather was stunning, but I’ll be happy if I don’t see steps for while.

  • Seagoon_@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Pinched nerve in my elbow is playing up and my anxiety is through the roof.

    ( I'm ok, it's just my hand, I'm otherwise well, I've seen specialists about it, it's just natural to freak a little )

  • just_kitten@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Got an email just now from the landlord that they want to inspect the place this Saturday at 1pm, was really annoyed and bummed out that I'd need to turbo clean the place, then thought that didn't seem right and found out that it's a minimum 7 day notice. They are managing this solo after firing the REA (then bumping up the rent by 15% anyway), so I have to really be extra aware of my rights

    e: started watching Silo for something to distract me from cramps. It's beautiful, but is the tv script written by a 14yo. It's so on the nose. Easy to watch though.

  • Baku@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Sooooo I think I broke my sleep. Not just normal "oh I'm nocturnal now" broken, I'm now in this strange routine where I sleep for 20 hours and then I stay up for 30

    What's happened to me why am I broken

      • Baku@aussie.zone
        9 months ago
        • not as much as I should
        • I wish but no

        I dare say it's just the yo yoing from being out all night NYE then having to do stuff during the week. I'll probably be fine when I force myself to sleep and live like a normal person again

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    9 months ago

    It has been pointed out that our numbat remains nameless as the vote was never concluded.

    The previous vote was a tie between Gary and Nellie, so please vote for your favourite name in the comments below. The most upvoted by the end of the day will win.

  • danwritesbooks@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    I want to hang a tyre swing or swing from a tree in the backyard, does anyone know what kind of knot and what kind of rope I should use to tie it to the limb?

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Just felt like checking and yep.. definitely still borked

    *removed externally hosted image*

    I've ordered a burger and onion rings to console myself

    • Duenan@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      How are you feeling at the moment or overall?

      I was surprised how badly it floored me when I got it for the first time a few months ago and I’ve had every shot as soon as it became available to me and it still did a number of me.

      Burger and onions would make me feel better as well!

      • bull⚡@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        Feeling a lot better today. I'm pretty sure the fever is gone which is nice to not be drenching the bed in sweat!

        I only had the mandatory vaccinations which I think maybe there were 3 or 4? Has been a while though.

        • Duenan@aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          Glad to hear you’re the mend. Suffering fatigue as well?

          I hope you get better so you can enjoy your holiday!

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    Update on the tense family stuff.

    Background: Bro and SIL tried to upend (bulldoze is putting it better) sleeping arrangements, got upset that it didn't go their way and left in a huff.

    Result: Apparently that is now a major falling out. Surprised how upset they are.

    oh well.

    • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      I fully support and agree wholeheartedly with everything the other respondents have already said, so can only say this: fucking good on you for standing up for yourself! So hard to do when it's family.

    • Duenan@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Good stuff resisting and standing up to them.

      They may be upset but do they recognise that what they did was unacceptable for you?

      Or are too selfish and only thinking about themselves while being upset?

      Out of curiosity did they leave to go home or to find another place to stay?

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      You did exactly the right thing, telling them to cut out the bullshit powerplays. I'll bet they thought you were a pushover, after all the wedding crap that you complied with. Now they know different and will just have to cope with the fact they did a wrong thing. Of course they are upset. The more wrong they are, the more upset they are. Classic narcissist behaviour.

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      I thought Bridezilla behaviour was supposed to end after the wedding...

      They're being childish. Tried to throw their weight around through some artificially inflated sense of importance and had a tantrum when it didn't work. Especially crappy behaviour if you were allowing them to stay with you, and after all the extra miles you went at short notice for the wedding. From your posts you do a lot for your family (it seems expected of you) and I don't think this pair appreciates it.

    • just_kitten@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      What children. Maybe this outburst is better than indefinitely simmering tension though.

      Sounds like a cold water swim is what you need to shake off the tension and bad vibes

        • just_kitten@aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          Hopefully this will open things up towards an ultimatum/resolution so future family get togethers will be a bit clearer and less manipulative...

    • the_procrastinata@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Some people just aren’t happy unless they’re getting their own way. It’s so frustrating. Sorry it’s ruining your holidays.

  • LowExperience2368@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    My boyfriend didn't get me anything for Christmas, but I got him something. We have been dating for six months. I got him something for his birthday as well.

    It's not even the fact that I didn't receive some object. It's just that he probably didn't even think of me, until I gave him something. I told him a card is fine, and now he's saying he's still drafting it because of his difficulties with spelling. It's been two and a half weeks.

    I'm going to attempt to talk to him about this without sounding like an asshole

    • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      This isn't the behaviour of a caring partner. I'm really sorry to say it but it sounds like this guy's heart isn't in it. He's not even managing to do the bare minimum let alone make you a priority and I don't think he's even worth the trouble of talking to about it.

      You deserve better.

      You could have someone that genuinely thinks of you and returns gestures of affection without being wrangled. You could have someone who actually wants to act like you're together.

    • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Punt this oblivious bastard. He clearly does not care enough about you to pay any attention to your needs and wants, even when these are reasonable. Possibly including the season of the year. And you would have to be deaf, blind and demented not to notice that xmas was happening. He's taking you for granted. His needs are being met. Yours aren't and probably won't be. You deserve better.

      If you want to give him a second chance to get it right, see if he remembers Valentine's Day. If he ignores this too - move out stat. He's not ready for any kind of relationship with another human being. Again, you deserve better.

    • Llabyrinthine@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      I might be a bit behind the times, but is this the guy from the bar?

      It’s not something you might want to hear, but you generally wouldn’t treat a good friend like that, let alone a girlfriend. Please don’t ever minimise yourself or your feelings, it just both enables him and subconsciously reinforces that you’ll tolerate this.

      His excuse… not up to scratch. He knows how to use a mobile phone, right? If that’s the case I hope you can see how his excuse looks now?

    • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
      9 months ago

      Sometimes it's too late once the horse has bolted. I'd let this one go but the next important milestone I would be reminding him weeks in advance. Eg. "It's my birthday on [date]". A week before you then remind him again "I can't wait to see what you get me". You've now painted it in red across his forehead. If he shows no interest then I would reconsider my relationship.

    • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
      9 months ago

      My biggest concern here is his excuse about spelling, combined with your concerns about sounding "lika an asshole" when you speak to him.

      For a start the excuse is bullshit. He is not writing a thesis, it's a card. And if writing a card is really difficult for him there is absolutely no reason he can't do something else like buy you a bunch of flowers. Secondly, the card is really not the point - you want something that shows he was thinking about you, and him giving you a card late and only in response to a specific request from you is not showing that at all.

      But the biggest concern is that his bullshit excuse is manipulative. He is trying to put himself in the position where he can play the victim, where he can twist your concerns about not getting a card into you being at fault for not being supportive of him, not appreciating how hard he has been trying to do what you want even though it's really hard for him, for even expecting something from him that is so difficult etc.

      If you do decide to talk to him about it, the conversation should go something along the lines of "I was really hurt not to get something from you for Christmas. It's important to me that my boyfriend does something to show me he's thinking about me on important dates" with a reply of "I'm sorry, I didn't realise it was that important to you . I promise to do something for you at these times in the future". There could be discussions about what dates matter, what sorts of things you like, even discussions about what he would also like, but there should not be excuses and deflections. You should definitely not end the conversation feeling that you are in the wrong, being unreasonable or anything else along those lines. You should not end up doubting the validity of your own feelings about the situation. If you do feel any of these things you are being manipulated, and this is likely an ongoing pattern in the relationship that is only going to get worse.

      • LowExperience2368@aussie.zone
        9 months ago

        Thanks for this. I sent a message including what you said, and because I have a lot of emotions swirling around, I said that I deserve better and if it means that I break up with him for that to happen, then I will.

        I feel like he will use his dyslexia as an excuse again or say something like, "I didn't know what you wanted."

        He didn't ask his mum what she wanted and still got her something.

        • Catfish@aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          Dyslexia is no excuse. My partner has a very phonetic spelling style and the handwriting of a lefty who has had multiply broken fingers. I get the occasional handwritten poem. They are … unique. That’s the point.

        • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
          9 months ago

          Dyslexia is no excuse. Below is the card my dyslexic 63yo partner gave me for my 50th

          *removed externally hosted image*

          I still have NFI what it means, but it was attempted with great care and love, and would have taken a lot of effort for him. This act alone made up for a lot. Your boyfriend is not doing this for you. He is making excuses and perhaps getting more out of the relationship than he is giving. Time for him to make an effort, big time. If he doesn't.. well, I think you well know the natural consequence.

  • Eagle@aussie.zone
    9 months ago

    While I love our native birds, if these rainbow lorikeets don't stop waking me up i may just throw gumnuts at them. The noisy critters are feasting on the flowering gum outside my bedroom window and the noise is aaaargh! I'm on leave you fuckers and I'd really like to sleep in just a little bit.