I don't know if it needs to be said but this should be the crystalizing moment for anyone still interested in federal electoralism and/or party politics. The Democrats are a conservative party. There is no redemption or saving it. There is no taking it over. Absolutely nothing and no one inside it can change it or pressure it to change itself. Not a Bernie, not an AOC. Any organization that's even quasi-socialist should take this opportunity to get the fuck out and put their energy toward something real. If having all these progressives meant anything, this wouldn't be happening. If they were strong enough to do something in response with this, they're strong enough to stand on their own and not associate with this shit. Even if you want to be stubborn and say that the DSA is on the verge of changing it all, they would have to essentially run decades long PR against the memories of this in the electorate's mind. That's why anyone should get the fuck out and just do a new party. You're going to waste time and effort on rehabilitating a dead brand rather than actually solve problems.
I don't know if it needs to be said but this should be the crystalizing moment for anyone still interested in federal electoralism and/or party politics. The Democrats are a conservative party. There is no redemption or saving it. There is no taking it over. Absolutely nothing and no one inside it can change it or pressure it to change itself. Not a Bernie, not an AOC. Any organization that's even quasi-socialist should take this opportunity to get the fuck out and put their energy toward something real. If having all these progressives meant anything, this wouldn't be happening. If they were strong enough to do something in response with this, they're strong enough to stand on their own and not associate with this shit. Even if you want to be stubborn and say that the DSA is on the verge of changing it all, they would have to essentially run decades long PR against the memories of this in the electorate's mind. That's why anyone should get the fuck out and just do a new party. You're going to waste time and effort on rehabilitating a dead brand rather than actually solve problems.
Couldn’t have said it better, sweatie. Don’t try to change it from the inside! Just :vote: blue! Cuz otherwise your voting for Russian fascists