these analyses are interesting to leftists for a different reason. if you can accurately forecast a crisis of capitalism before it arrives, you have a timetable in hand for planning and preparations because those crises present to us unique moments of leverage. the whole system shudders and a well-timed and placed blow might bring the whole thing crumbling down. my point is that investor behavior and the stock market aren't good places to look for that kind of forecasting because of a century's long trend, divorcing stocks from the material reality of the productive forces.
these analyses are interesting to leftists for a different reason. if you can accurately forecast a crisis of capitalism before it arrives, you have a timetable in hand for planning and preparations because those crises present to us unique moments of leverage. the whole system shudders and a well-timed and placed blow might bring the whole thing crumbling down. my point is that investor behavior and the stock market aren't good places to look for that kind of forecasting because of a century's long trend, divorcing stocks from the material reality of the productive forces.