I spoke to an economist who said there was no evidence of a poverty trap. And that people will leave their homes to move to areas with jobs. Or that they'll just reskill if their jobs vanish. Fucking ghouls.
My favorite one was when an economics professor told me that you should donate to homeless shelters in the next town over to solve the homeless issues in your area. Completely braindead.
I spoke to an economist who said there was no evidence of a poverty trap. And that people will leave their homes to move to areas with jobs. Or that they'll just reskill if their jobs vanish. Fucking ghouls.
My favorite one was when an economics professor told me that you should donate to homeless shelters in the next town over to solve the homeless issues in your area. Completely braindead.
Every econ professor sucks,
Signed, a PoliSci Professor
there is no evidence of my massive balls