Didn't take any fancy pics of weights today comrades, sorry. This quick snap of some 10 pounders I'm making for curls will have to do. TIP: If you are making pure concrete weights, let them cure for about 3-5 days. Take them out of the mold (in my case a 5gallon bucket and then put a little water in it. Then place the weight back in there and cover it with more water. Keep it submerged for at least a week. Concrete cures by reacting with water. Concrete cured while being kept constantly wet can be as much as 50% stronger than if not.

Not going to hide it. I'm getting fat. Not super far but the flab I took off is coming back. Damn you holidays.... And my poor self control ... And the pot brownies I made. I skipped last Thursdays session. I regret it only a little.

Today I did pretty good. Benched 145lb 4x10. After last week's terrible sets I was very happy. Deadlifts were tough. 185lbs at 1x9, 3x8, 1x7 in that order. Improved from last week but just barely. I also added curls this week. 4x10 with 25s and it was pretty easy. Until I get these other weights made though I won't be able to move up to 30s so I'm just going to add a few extra sets of the 25s and just maintain for now.

All in all a good session. I wore a very orange shirt I dyed myself with matching socks. A pair of emerald green workout shorts I got for Xmas and dark green tights. Honestly thanks to my little extra holiday glad I felt like an upsidedown pumpkin. lol

:arm-L: 🎃 :arm-R: