project will no longer be under active development due to recent events involving Kakao Entertainment Corp's threats to both myself and others

In the upcoming days:

  • Our core GitHub repositories will be taken down
  • The official social media accounts will be closed
  • The official Discord server will be repurposed into a general community for those who are interested in staying
    8 months ago

    It's sad to see companies threatening completely legal projects, knowing that the volunteering developers don't have the time and money to win a lawsuit against a large company with lawyers. It's nothing less than bullying volunteers, or similar to SLAPP suits.

    Edit: typo

    8 months ago

    Absolutely legendary app and developer that will be missed. The animanga industry is ruthless.

    8 months ago

    i'm so fucking sad that a shitty¹ company was able to bully a 100% legal piece of FOSS to shut down.

    It is THE best app for reading manga, and it single-handedly started my love and (healthy) addiction to reading manga lol. It's also one of the best examples on how a FOSS model is superior to any competitive proprietary one.

    I hope so much luck to the devs and every contributor. Their work through all these years is immeasurable. Makes me regret a little for not trying to contribute to the community with some code at a time I was wanting to. Thanks for all the hours of fun reading manga. I'm sure at this very moment people are already organizing a fork to live on Tachiyomi's legacy, as is the spirit of FOSS.

  • june 🌿
    8 months ago

    unfortunate to see, it's been a great app for a long time. Anyone know of an alternative that's good? I mostly just read on mobile through firefox on mangafire now, but would love if an app offered a better experience