was having my ass kicked by covid yesterday, legit felt worse than i did without a vaccine (back in like november of 2020 i think when vaxes werent out yet). had maybe 3 days of symptoms up till then. cue my shock when i go to sleep for 14 hours and wake up feeling awesome. as day goes on im still not 100% but i feel way better. maybe in another 4-7 days i'll be at 100%.

shit dragged on forever on my first run with covid. so my impression is that the vaccine, at least for me, drastically reduced the length of covid but not the severity of it

nowhere else to post this so im doing it here

  • VernetheJules [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Yeah, 1mg E twice a day sublingual and 25mg Spiro twice a day orally.

    Obviously everyone is different. But just take stock of the changes that do happen quickly and I think you can use those as a rough estimate of how well the dose is working.

    A lot of people move to higher doses over time, but I'm probably going to stick with this for now since I've had minimal mood swings and haven't even noticed the diuretic effects of Spiro. It kind of caught me off guard but I had to remember there's probably lots of trans people who don't post about how their HRT is going just fine with no complaints...