Yes, that's an understatement. He became completely obsessed witn me basically immediately, texting me 50 times a day and calling me a goddess and stuff. I held off on blocking for like a week hoping he would just give up and deciding whether.and how it would be safe and worth it to doxx him, but no, even with no replies he was content to write me sonnets and send me cooking videos from 6am every morning. I think this is like the fourth profile I blocked now? I started using grindr from android studio to spoof location easier after this guy.
Shockingly, not the scariest thing that happened to me from that app, but this one won't go away.
Yes, that's an understatement. He became completely obsessed witn me basically immediately, texting me 50 times a day and calling me a goddess and stuff. I held off on blocking for like a week hoping he would just give up and deciding whether.and how it would be safe and worth it to doxx him, but no, even with no replies he was content to write me sonnets and send me cooking videos from 6am every morning. I think this is like the fourth profile I blocked now? I started using grindr from android studio to spoof location easier after this guy.
Shockingly, not the scariest thing that happened to me from that app, but this one won't go away.
Holy shit
He knows where you live? Shit. Get a gun, idk, fuck.
I moved, but I already have guns anyway. A regular I see also told me "You seem like the type of person who would have a stalker." :what-the-hell:
The fuck does that mean? What the fuck is a being stalked vibe?
I don't have a clue, but I just changed the subject because free drinks