
      8 months ago

      It's ironic since the official excuse for why we can't see the alleged videos is because they don't want people using it as smut or something like that. Sounds like they really want their to be videos of kids being assaulted for some reason

  • wombat [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    if these videos were real (or if they were convincing-enough fakes) then the zionist identity would have released them immediately, much as how they post pictures of every gun they find in a gaza building.

    8 months ago

    How is he getting access to these videos? Also he just admitted to watching CSEM as if it’s a flex rather than a crime…

    8 months ago

    Stopped watching after




    ...I'm going to hope for their sake that they just worded it wrong, that they didn't choose to watch through the whole thing and that they stopped watching immediately when they realized what was happening, but it's a reddit-logo user so I'm not sure if I can believe that, especially when they're clearly bragging about choosing to watch everything else lmao

      8 months ago

      There's no such video man. This is "My dad works for Microsoft and will hack Ur IP" levels of juvenile bullshit.

        8 months ago

        It's just too perfect. If there was such a video that any random jackoff can go see that has explicit proof of Israel's claims, this would be a much different conversation.

    8 months ago

    Then why doesn't he send the footage to the UN who asked Israel for proof of any of it's claims? Oh wait, it doesn't exist and he just lied about looking at CSAM.

  • Lorraine [he/him]
    8 months ago

    What's with predditors and openly bragging about viewing child abuse videos in the way a teenager discussing Creepypasta in like 2009 would? "Guys... I saw a video...of child rape!!! Ooooo" even in other contexts, is it not disrespectful to talk about this material in this way? I mean, the first part of their comment is making it about how "it would cause real trauma for some people" and how it's imprinted into their brain. I'm not saying you're a coward for being disturbed by such videos, it's just sort of odd to spread such... whatever this is, in this manner

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      8 months ago

      is it not disrespectful to talk about this material in this way?

      That's exactly the idea: to either shock into not wanting to touch the conversation at all, or to browbeat anyone who calls bullshit with "it's disgusting you would ask for any proof of such a sensational claim" -- burden shifting, essentially. It's much the same logic behind inventing genocides every enemy of the U.S. is supposedly doing, then getting indignant and attacking anyone who asks for proof.

    • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
      8 months ago

      Seems like a humblebrag, "Yeah I totally burned acts of horrible cruelty into my brain, I'm basically a troop and you should all be very impressed. Other people would probably be traumatized but I can handle it."

      If Steven Seagall grew up with internet

  • ChairmanSpongebob [he/him]
    8 months ago

    who can do more crimes? 1200 guys with AK-47's or 300,000 conscripts with tanks, planes, bombs? hmmmm

    8 months ago

    The username suggests this isn't the account of a real person browsing r*ddit in their down time. It's too close to the old [Adjective][Noun][Number] pattern, and we know there's a ton of Hasbara going on on r*ddit.

    That aside, as far as I know the released hostages were all perfectly fine, apart from whatever genocidal acts IOF committed in their vicinity. Since idiot redditors and westerners will assume the opposite without ever checking, this comment makes sense to them.

    That's not even the worst part. The worst part is that this reads exactly like middle school kids talking about their exploits after they discovered the dark web. What adult would believe this?