Canadian cosmonaut desperate for comrades in the worst province.

Yes, the dogs are also communists.

  • 145 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2022


  • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlThank You China
    18 days ago

    Love the pandas and how they resemble their handlers. I saw a panda who learned how to break bamboo from humans, and since humans aren’t as strong as bears they grimace when snapping the bamboo, so now whenever the panda breaks its bamboo it makes a grimace face even though it doesn't struggle to break the rods lol

  • Yeah, I was following them for a bit there and I would see some weird stuff but I tried to brush it off as a little blip. But it has gotten worse and worse to the point where there’s so going around it, I truly feel like they’re a patsoc, especially with how they reacted to criticism for posting that weird political compass.

  • This is my last week of semester 4! I have two finals, one for history and one for polisci. The history one is a take-home, open book, exam and it lasts two days—I have to write two essays; the polisci one is in-person and on Friday, I have to write two essays for that one too. After this I am free for two months and then back to the grind in September. The professor of my genocide history class from last semester is going to be my prof. for this new class so thats cool… hopefully it goes well 😬

    Anyway, I think I’ll try spending July and august reading theory.

  • Star War is popular and people think Zelensky is a hero, so imagery like this is seen as relatable rather than worrying. "The guy fighting the evil Russians likes Star Wars? He’s just like me!“ People wont realize how bad this actually is until way after this war is over, it’s unfortunate but thats just how things go it seems.

  • This is actually so insidious, oh my god. Are they arguing for the legalization of children being in “relationships” with adults? Also the points made in the first comment make no sense, children are allowed to pursue relationships… with other children! Comparing segregation and how interracial marriage was illegal to children being with adults is disgusting to say. Preventing consenting adults from falling in love is an infringement on freedom, allowing an adult to date a child is abuse, not freedom.

    I remember your post about these “youth liberation” subreddits, and while I agree in the protection of the rights of youth and ensuring their prospering (creation of social spaces that are free, recreational activities, better education, etc.), this subreddit doesn’t really feel like it’s actually focusing on that. Maybe it was originally started on that premise but it devolved into something horrid. I wonder if the person in this post is actually a misguided minor or an adult cosplaying a child online. This reeks of grooming and should be removed from Reddit like how r/jailbait was.

  • It’s either Star Wars or Harry Potter, every fucking time. I don’t get it. Is pop culture the only way people can understand geopolitics? Embarrassing…

    Also, I think we all have one or two traits that may be similar to others, whether they’re good or evil, doesn’t mean we’re ideologically the same. I love dogs and apparently Hitler did to, does that mean we’re on the same page?

    My point is that comparisons like this are asinine and mean absolutely nothing. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.