Star Wars fans really aren't the brightest...

  • Bury The
    22 days ago

    I've seen a disproportionately high number of NATO fanboys that just straight up simp for the empire in Star Wars. Pretty sure Zelensky wore a shirt once depicting Ukrainian soldiers as storm troopers stomping on communist symbols.

            21 days ago

            Damn, now that you mention it, it's not any astronaut either! It says CCCP on the helmet. That nazi t-shirt just gets worse the more you look at it

              21 days ago

              Yes! Not even a Russian guy specifically (which would’ve still been bad, don’t get me wrong), but a Soviet specifically who could’ve been anything (Russian, Ukrainian, Georgian, etc.). It’s a terrible shirt that you can actually buy for around 11 bucks.

                  21 days ago

                  Star War is popular and people think Zelensky is a hero, so imagery like this is seen as relatable rather than worrying. "The guy fighting the evil Russians likes Star Wars? He’s just like me!“ People wont realize how bad this actually is until way after this war is over, it’s unfortunate but thats just how things go it seems.

            21 days ago

            not a soldier, a civilian

            I think all or almost all cosmonauts were actually a soldiers of airforce (it's still supercringe and on the nose for ukronazis).

              21 days ago

              That’s interesting. But even if most of them were soldiers, isn’t an astronaut still a “civilian” job? Either way this shirt is super cursed and the fact they didn’t even make the CCCP person a Star Wars character is just even more cringe.

                21 days ago

                Later they started to send scientists and engineers but for good few years it wasn't exactly safest job out there, and it heavily involved things airforce pilots learned, so they send soldiers. Same for USA. If you look at ISS crews, basically safest possible astronaut posting in history of space flight, still most of them were soldiers including nearly half of current crew.

          22 days ago

          I guess they just took the iconography that looked the coolest rather than what was accurate to the source material.

              21 days ago

              During the clone wars, death watch were separatists at first who opposed the then peaceful Mandalore government led by Satine. When Maul came and took them under their wing, they killed Vizla (the then leader of death watch) and overthrew Satine, resulting in a split.

              But yeah, they weren't that good for most of their history iirc

              21 days ago

              While they were warmongering bastards, they did give zero fucks about someones race. If one took up the Mandalorian language and culture, they were considered Mandalorians. Species irrelevant.