Remember when she turned so many voters off a nepotic imbecile was elected?
Geniuses of evil maybe, since they do have incredible amount of blood on their hands. Kissinger way more though, i mean Hilary didn't even got peace nobel, she clearly need to cause few more wars.
Hilldog strikes me as more rabid than intelligent, tbh. With the arsenal of American terrorism at her beck and call she has done a lot of damage to the world, but it takes a certain kind of evil and incompetent to deliver results like she (and her broader circle) has, multiple times. Even if it's all slash-and-burn, self-cannibalizing imperialism, it doesn't quite explain half the nonsense they've pulled. And that's the issue- her neocon/neolib circle represents a class and elite of Americans, who have fully bought into the opioids that are American exceptionalism and white, western supremacy.
How do you even respond to this, in a way where you don't want to further engage with this ghoul.
Kissinger struck me as intelligent, if wholly depraved. Good thing he's in hell 🥳
she really believes that elections are won by giving inspiring speeches and espousing wise policies in controlled debate settings, doesn't she?
Not just inspiring, but ticking a box off of a list of things designed by committee to make her seem "endearing." i.e. the "I always have a bottle of hot sauce/bbq sauce in my purse" thing she did.
Never before a televised moment made me want to Pokémon Snap my own neck as badly as this speech did.