• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • The third scenario I could imagine (basically #2 but with western support) could be that the west is gearing up for a second "Arab spring," to drive BRICS out of the region through either destabilization or regime change. I'd be surprised if that isn't being seriously considered at this point TBH- because compliance with genocide and warmongering isn't enough, the lackeys of the empire are expected also to sacrifice their economies and entire future as well in the name of western hegemony- and Sissi and the Gulf Arabs are increasingly seeking a better future in that regard.

  • That's not the typical context in which the term "revisionist" is used, though. Usually it's used to claim that someone is diverging from the foundations of Marxism itself- that they are betraying core principles such as the dictatorship of the proletariat, the integrity of the one-party system and/or the revolution, class struggle, etc...

    As such, I think it's only good practice to distance ourselves from the term, despite what "revision" means in the English language. It's enough simply to say- we're not dogmatists.

  • Agreed, even if the Hindutvas were to remain in power (though it seems that may or may not be in question soon) I would still fully hope that they prosper all the same. It's an atrocity, what this present world system continues to inflict on India and all across the global south and non-white, non-western world.

    Yeah i fear a lot of that kind of rhetoric is liberal hopium.

    I'd also probably not even call it that FWIW. Liberals and westerners in general don't tend to have any great love for India (rather the opposite) and south Asians in general if you ask me. If it were Indian brands suddenly competing with western ones, and if Indian (indigenous) tech industries were threatening western monopolies, they would be seething at the bit all the same.

    They're just touting/exaggerating Indian success to try to diminish China. In reality, there's no doubt in my mind, they hate and seek the exploitation and destruction of both peoples.

  • This has got the West scrambling, and has basically torpedoed the “peace summit” in Switzerland, as European states will most likely pressure Zelenski to start talking on Russia’s basis for peace.

    I imagine the Swiss piss summit plans remain unchanged, tbh. Is the west scrambling? Perhaps (though at this point- hell if I know, the smarter ones, those less blinded either by arrogance or greed/MIC profits)- but by-and-large, the approach still seems largely the same, at least if we're talking about the Anglosphere, France, Germany, the Nordics, and the Baltic chihuahuas.

    It's not like the summit is any less grounded in reality due to Putin's offer (because the piss summit was completely delusional, just a circus/political rally for the neocons). Not much has changed in that regard. No doubt the (sane, non-Nazi) Europeans and Ukranians in particular are even more disillusioned now, sure, but their opinions never really factored into the equation to begin with, being fully disenfranchised, slandered, and oftentimes even worse.

    Unless the discontent reaches such a point where outright revolt things will likely remain as-is IMO, right up until things truly can't remain as such, which granted, is probably within sight- whether it be due to Ukraine's massive losses and political instability, the looming economic crises (and also, instability) in the west, or escalation finally reaching such a critical point that either sanity finally prevails- or else.

  • Personally I look at this compass and my own thoughts are- it's almost 100% brain worms lol... Though at least I suppose it seems they probably support Palestine, and aren't homophobic. Which is basically just meeting the criteria of "not a blatant genocidaire/bigot"- until you realize they're probably in support of the Banderites, NATO, and ETIP (and thus effectively a genocide-supporting, warmongering bigot) and support (or lump in the ""libertarian left"" anyways) other abhorrent institutions like the EU, rogue Taipei, and the Nordic regimes.

  • Every accusation is a admission of guilt... honestly they can't help it (though I have no sympathy for them whatsoever), this is just how the western colonial mentality operates.

    Death camps or internment camps running quietly without public notice, their states' support of terrorism and separatism across the globe, the military serving as a incubator for unhinged right-wing partisan maniacs, and the constant focus on territorial expansion and exploitation- they can't admit it outright, and the more brainwashed would deny it vehemently if pressed on the matter, but all these things are standard fare for the western "democratic" regimes and everyone knows it. They can't imagine a mindset without it.

  • Whatever the end result is, I hope that Ukraine can escape the western, Banderite grasp. Best of luck to you and your parents..

    One factor that can play a significant role is the way the local people would react. My take on it is that the locals will see it as occupation

    On that regard, I imagine the local people of east Ukraine won't react too positively to being lumped in with the west again, either, though. The easternmost parts (Donbass/Crimea/likely Kharkiv/Zaporizhia/etc) certainly will never rejoin Ukraine again- and when and if Russia gets to Odessa, considering the horrors inflicted on the locals there as well, I can imagine they'd fight tooth and nail for the Russians to stay and not return them to some reformed Ukraine.

  • Honestly IMO- while you and the many other innocent Ukrainians have my utmost sympathy if nothing else- those with sense should probably leave the country, or at least hope their homes lie behind the Russian side of the border when all this is said and done. But that's just my opinion as an outsider, of course you probably have a better feel for how things are on the ground there.

    There's no reason to believe the Nazis will be ousted anytime soon, not anywhere without Russian assistance, at least. By-and-large they've preserved their ideologically-aligned troops while sending the conscripts to the front to die- and they have the backing of the entire west behind them. Meanwhile, whatever will remain of the country has a "bright future" ahead of it as a heavily indebted, militarized BlackRock fiefdom.

    Honestly? I genuinely think that Russian annexation is the best of a plethora of bad options and possibilities for Ukraine's future ahead. Though there's no way in hell the Russians would want the westernmost portions FWIW.

  • Gotta love how they have to smear the Russian submarine as "rogue." Which country is it again, which is backing and even outright participating in a genocide again? Which country has countless illegal sanctions, and is engaging in unprecedented illegal asset seizures? Which country is constantly, blatantly interfering in other countries' internal affairs, and which one is a country entirely founded through and sustained by genocide?

    Maybe instead the article should describe the events as such- "the terrorist regime of the US launched its rogue sub-hunters over its illegally occupied Floirdan territories, in search of Russian submarines engaging in freedom of navigation exercises." It's not like it would be any less biased, but it would at least then be accurate.