I'll start.

I know there's nothing inherently wrong with "based" as a slang word and it's said plenty of times on Hexbear about good things, but when I see it in the online wild, it is 95% of the time about something bigoted or hateful.


:le-pol-face: BASED

:stupidpol: BASED

:jordan-eboy-peterson: BASED

:grillman: BASED

As weird as it may sound, people that say "vitriol" a lot in online discussions tend to be vitriolic themselves. It's commonly used among civility obsessed :LIB: s when they want to superficially follow the rules while baiting dissenters into getting selectively enforced bans.

:maybe-later-kiddo: "Um, what you just said about entrepreneurial philanthropists was so full of vitriol that I will not dignify it with a proper response. sigh I wish more of you ungrateful kiddos would stop LARPing as tankie fascists and would crack open an Econ 101 book instead. Maybe you would have less vitriol then. Vitriol much?"

:fedposting: "You have been banned for posting on /r/bootlicking. You may contact the moderators if you believe this was in error. No vitriol will be tolerated."

The last one is "human." Yeah I know, weird. But its most common online usage in my experience isn't far off from the usage (and users) of "feeemale" when referring to women (or girls). Also it tends to said a lot by creepy techbro types, both in advertising ironically dehumanizing and alienating tech products and when fanboys go to bat for the same.

:capitalist-woke: "Remember the human!" as a slogan, for example, instead of maybe "don't be an asshole."

Or my least favorite kind of usage:

:so-true: ":melon-musk: is just a better human that wants us all to be better humans! Humans must become an interplanetary species!"

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I can relate. I even find the concept of "copium" hilarious, especially as an imaginary gas pumped through a respirator. Yet, when I see "cope" in the wild it's almost always a lazy thought terminating cliche about pretty much anything. It's the new "u mad."

    :doomer: "The obsession of "getting back to normal" in the midst of a worsening pandemic is hurting and killing a lot of people and driving many 'essential workers' into quitting their jobs."

    :maybe-later-kiddo: "Um, sweetie, maybe if you had a life and some actual friends you would understand why that wine won't taste itself. Cope much?" multiple donut emojiis

    :grillman: cope endless string of laughing crying emojiis

    :stupidpol: cope string of cryptofascist frogs

    • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
      3 years ago

      Coping is good actually and healthy coping is a sign of a mentally well person. It's literally apart of natural human shit when we're confronted with loss or tragedy and how our brains work around it. The USA is literally a prime example of unhealthy coping skills in the face of a pandemic, instead of protecting people and letting those who've lost loved ones grieve, we've gaslight an entire population and told them to get back to work. It's no fucking wonder more than half this country is addicted to opioids.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        3 years ago

        The implications of the incel usage of "cope" are disturbing. If coping is bad, what is supposed to be the "based" response to whatever upsets them? Shooting up their schools?

        • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
          3 years ago

          As sick as it is, yeah, that's what they want you to do. Black pilled incels think the healthy response to this society is to go lone wolf and do spree shootings, they egg each other on hoping someone snaps. It's sick as fuck and nuclear waste dump levels of toxic. Instead of doing the right thing and coming to the correct conclusion about western beauty standards and alienation under neoliberal capitalism and building solidarity, they just fight each other and have a bleak outlook on life and humanity, where the end result is snapping.

      • blight [any]
        3 years ago

        I don't think I've personally seen "cope" used in contexts like these, but I'm sure fascists are warping language like they usually do and I just don't keep up with them. When I see it people usually seem to mean "you are in denial about problem X and are making up fantasies to avoid confronting it", not "you are aware of problem X and don't want to think about it literally 24/7 so you do something to cheer yourself up instead". I would say antivaxxers are definitely coping, as are libs who say that covid is over now.