I'll start.

I know there's nothing inherently wrong with "based" as a slang word and it's said plenty of times on Hexbear about good things, but when I see it in the online wild, it is 95% of the time about something bigoted or hateful.


:le-pol-face: BASED

:stupidpol: BASED

:jordan-eboy-peterson: BASED

:grillman: BASED

As weird as it may sound, people that say "vitriol" a lot in online discussions tend to be vitriolic themselves. It's commonly used among civility obsessed :LIB: s when they want to superficially follow the rules while baiting dissenters into getting selectively enforced bans.

:maybe-later-kiddo: "Um, what you just said about entrepreneurial philanthropists was so full of vitriol that I will not dignify it with a proper response. sigh I wish more of you ungrateful kiddos would stop LARPing as tankie fascists and would crack open an Econ 101 book instead. Maybe you would have less vitriol then. Vitriol much?"

:fedposting: "You have been banned for posting on /r/bootlicking. You may contact the moderators if you believe this was in error. No vitriol will be tolerated."

The last one is "human." Yeah I know, weird. But its most common online usage in my experience isn't far off from the usage (and users) of "feeemale" when referring to women (or girls). Also it tends to said a lot by creepy techbro types, both in advertising ironically dehumanizing and alienating tech products and when fanboys go to bat for the same.

:capitalist-woke: "Remember the human!" as a slogan, for example, instead of maybe "don't be an asshole."

Or my least favorite kind of usage:

:so-true: ":melon-musk: is just a better human that wants us all to be better humans! Humans must become an interplanetary species!"

  • Ericthescruffy [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Gatekeeping. Actually if I like something, it’s good, and if you disagree you’re gatekeeping.

    Gatekeeping gets an unfair rap in my opinion. Like yes: I think a lot of us would agree that a bunch of neckbeards arguing vehemently about whether or not fans of the sequel trilogy are real star wars fans are complete wastes of human beings but "Nazi Punks fuck off" is also gatekeeping and is actually pretty fucking cool.

    Edit: with Gaslighting people have basically just completely forgotten that the person doing the gaslighting has to actually be aware that they're lying. Two or more people having divergent memories or views on an experience they both share doesn't automatically mean one person is gaslighting.