Taking care of a friend's dog "Railes" next few weeks. He doesn't like to be left out so he got to hang out and cheer me on. This is about as excited as he got.

:arm-L: :comrade-doggo: :arm-R:

So I pissed off something in my lower back/upper glutes a few weeks ago and took two weeks off. Stretched a lot. Had some other weird pains show up and go away and today I figured I'd give it a go as everything had been feeling good for about a week. Did ok. Was tough reminding my muscles they can, in fact, lift heavy shit.

Did deadlifts and bench presses. Reduced deadlifts to 160lbs (from the 180 I had been working on) to be cautious. Managed my 4 sets of 10. Legs were complaining the entire time. Back was fine though. Bench presses at 145lbs (down from 155) and did my 4x10 with relative ease. Last few on the fourth set had to pick but otherwise did good.

I wore a pink shirt with matching socks. Black workout shorts with black tights underneath.

Taking breaks when you have good momentum always sucks. Having to reduce weight when you were lifting more also sucks. But you can always build it back. Never ouch an injury. I probably could have started back up last week but there's no reason to push it. If your injury stops hurting it doesn't mean it's ready to go right back into it. Give it an extra week and start back light.