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The only polling face-off Bernie has ever won here was against Trump, and just about anybody wins that.
“Vote Blue Not Matter Who”
hahahahahha these people dont just not know history, they cant remember what they had for breakfast
Matt very astutely nailed these motherfuckers during that election, he said that libs consider themselves morally superior to conservatives, but are threatened by the moral superiority of those to their left, and so every conversation with a lib would become “you’ll vote for Pete or Kamala or Biden if they win the primary, right?” The whole angle was that, as leftists lose interest in electoralism, libs can reassert their moral superiority by saying that not voting is just like voting for trump.
This comment thread really hammers home how disingenuous the whole charade was. Somehow, not voting is bad because it’s the same as voting for the right, but literally casting a ballot for the right is better than voting for someone further left than them because reasons.
Now THERES a fucking take:
It doesn’t matter, because Bernie’s about to hand Republicans an unprecedented landslide. 😞
I had one of these guys angry posting at me using this exact same line of logic to blame the nazis taking power on the KPD, because they called the socdems "social fascists".
NVM that insult was directed at the nationalist splinter group of the SPD that literally joined up with the Nazis a few years later. No, it's the commies fault for mentioning it.
Lots of people there are saying they would vote for Romney because they like his foreign policy more than Bernie's. Like Jesus Christ these people are actually just as fucking bloodthirsty as republicans, they're just more polite psychopaths
at some point (like a year ago or maybe three, I can't perceive the passage of time anymore) they had a poll about this exactly issue and like 55-60% of them voted to romney
it was one of their most popular posts at the time I think, but I'm not going into that cesspool to find it
Love the dweeb with a krugman flair telling off a doofus by saying
Right, so you dont mind bernie or busters then?
After all, why should leftist lend you their vote for your preferred candidate when you wont do it for theirs?
And getting downvoted