More pics of the bench here.

:arm-L: :CommiePOGGERS: :arm-R:

Made this guy a while back. Added padding a little less while back. Works well. Little too long on the head side but that doesn't hurt anything. I don't usually use the incline but I like that I can do that if I need to. Made from scrap wood from a family member that does lots of woodworking and shit. I have some RED vinyl fabric I got on sale. Just too lazy to cut/sew it to shape and staple it on. Will get there one day.

Today's lift was pretty good. I'm increasing my lifting frequency to 2 days of 1 day on. Should afford me a few more lift sessions a month. Not a drastic change but should speed me up a bit.

Was deadlift and bench presses day. Increase weight to 175 deadlifts and managed my 4x10 sets fairly easy. Was a pleasant surprise. I realized I had been way under eating my protein amounts so I increased that significantly and also started sipping protein/amino drinks before and during lifts. I tried to get as much natural protein as I could before but adding the shakes seemed to make a significant difference.

Bench I did ok. Weights at 155. Managed 4x8 and 1x7 sets. So got a ways to go to get to my 4x10 with that one.

I wore an orange shirt with black shorts and stockings. My socks did not match as I forgot to change them unfortunately. Nobody's perfect.

Stay strong comrades.