Hello everyone,

Languages are a topic I like talking about, and I guess they always play a main role in dynamics across the European countries. I know that nowadays English is more or less the lingua franca, but I can't help but think that we could have other auxiliary languages among languages from the same family.

A good example is Interlingua (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interlingua), which is very easy to understand for Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Romanian and Catalan speakers. It will probably always stay a niche project known by a bunch of enthusiasts, but I can't help but imagine what would change if those countries had a common language that could easily by used by all of their people (English is not that straightforward, especially for older people).

Site of the project: http://www.interlingua.com/

That also makes me ask which languages we could use here. Could be fun to try to have a day without English, and see the chaos that would ensue