As a union nurse (1199) I can assure you all that the travelers making lots of money is NOT the problem, and is only happening rn because for the first time in decades, it is an area where workers are so desperately needed, yet so scarce, that they can basically name their rate and have it honored. This is scaring the shit out of the people at the top, and they want to nip it in the bud before other peasants start to catch on

Edit: Here's a direct link for ppl who don't want to go to R*DIT

If you have a SLAY KWEEN (D) rep or a Marjorie Taylor Green adjacent chud rep(R), they are both likely on this

    • JosipBRUHTito [none/use name]
      3 年前

      Look ma, they're talking about my posts!

      This is my favorite so far tho:

      I have been corresponding with several friends in China throughout the entire pandemic. So many were shocked by the situation in NY, where the governor, at the behest of his donors, turned our nursing homes into meat grinders for old people, all the while so many "elective" floors that could have taken recovering COVID patients were closed, their staff furloughed or fired. Then he gave these companies immunity from liability for COVID deaths among residents, patients, and staff. I remember the week that happened, our hospital went from rationing PPE to being "Bring your own". I don't believe in coincidences.

      Perhaps the most shocking contrast was when they sent me the story of a government official in China, who had decided to delay a lockdown for a few days so a regional celebration that took massive planning could go off without a hitch. This caused a larger outbreak. He was tried and shot for negligent murder some months later. Meanwhile half of my family bought Cuomo's fucking book. He will live out his days in a castle somewhere in the Berkshires, and people will only remember that he is a perverted creep, not a mass murderer on behalf of the rich.

      We spend our formative years hearing from educators and the media about how life is cheap in China, how their system treats people like gears in a machine, easy to throw out and replace. But when push came to shove, they chose to pay a huge cost in gold and convenience to stop COVID, to save lives, not money. In America we knowingly chose to pay a huge cost in blood, to avoid hurting profits or inconveniencing the shareholders. Something to think about

    • UmbraVivi [he/him, she/her]
      3 年前

      I swear some liberals are slowly turning around on China, I remember Susan Sarandon shared a video the other day about anti-China propaganda

    • nohaybanda [he/him]
      3 年前

      I know! Been pinching myself real hard, and it's still there!