As a union nurse (1199) I can assure you all that the travelers making lots of money is NOT the problem, and is only happening rn because for the first time in decades, it is an area where workers are so desperately needed, yet so scarce, that they can basically name their rate and have it honored. This is scaring the shit out of the people at the top, and they want to nip it in the bud before other peasants start to catch on

Edit: Here's a direct link for ppl who don't want to go to R*DIT

If you have a SLAY KWEEN (D) rep or a Marjorie Taylor Green adjacent chud rep(R), they are both likely on this

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Regardless of if it was the plan or simply the consequence (on either side of capital or communism), finance sought cheaper wages and shitter working conditions, and China used this to its advantage to develop its productive forces. I still can't reconcile whether this was a massive capitulation or some 4D hyper-chess shit, but the end result is the same. China has ended up as an economic and industrial powerhouse, while being the only nation on its scale to maintain any ability to subjugate finance. They still operate largely under the capitalist mode of production, but capital's influence is limited to a degree we can't even imagine in the west.