It’s all allegations, they never even confirmed any cultural genocide taking place in China. Why doesn’t the US just send a NATO rep to investigate and confirm or deny any events taking place?

Oh right, western propaganda

  • RandyLahey [he/him]
    3 years ago

    its true that happened, yes, but i dont think thats a core reason here

    people talk about australia having a national insecurity complex and i think that scratches the surface of the real issue - there is a huge undercurrent of seeing australia as a lonely far-flung outpost of civilisation (ie whiteness) among the oriental savages, a real sense of incredible vulnerability. i think its subconsciously tied into that anglo fear about the crimes of our past and getting whats coming to us at the hands of those the west has exploited. you occasionally hear bursts of fear about indonesias third largest military in the world (no idea if this is true), with a definite implication that if the iNtErNaTiOnAl RuLeS bAsEd OrDeR collapsed then indonesia would definitely instantly invade. the north is full of the oriental hordes, and we would be left to the mercies of *them*. i think the same fear is the key driver of the remarkable terror over asylum seekers

    britain was australias "protector" but their star has faded and that relationship got a little complicated anyway and too much of a reminder of local and regional history that people would rather not think about. after wwii, america was the shiny new power, appropriately white, and gleamingly free of old world complications. australia has grasped hard with both hands and is utterly terrified to let go, no matter what. the idea of aligning australia with an asian power bloc just doesnt compute - in large part because the idea of entering a bloc with non-whites as equals is considered beneath the national dignity, but also i think because of an incredulousness that they would accept us anyway. and as we go more and more all-in with america, that door closes even more.

    its fear that drives australia, but its a more existential fear of what would happen if america let us go. i think thats the core of why australia constantly acts like americas most pathetic lapdog, and especially why china strikes a particular nerve

    interestingly, this never seems to have afflicted new zealand to the same extent and im not certain why