It’s all allegations, they never even confirmed any cultural genocide taking place in China. Why doesn’t the US just send a NATO rep to investigate and confirm or deny any events taking place?

Oh right, western propaganda

  • CTHlurker [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Another point about the cultural genocide that gets blased on Western Social Media (especially in muslim immigrant circles, where insane propaganda is almost the norm rather than the exception) is that it assumes that all Uighyrs wants to live like Saudis, with a very strict interpretation of Sunnah and islamic jurisprudence in general. However a lot of the Sunnah is obviously based on traditional arab customs, since that is where the prophet Mohammed actually lived. This has historically clashed with the Turkic peoples of central and eastern asia, who have taken influence from a wide variety of different cultures, most notably Persian and Chinese, due to the mongol empires / khanates. One of the things that China was critized for in 2019/2020, was their ban on long beards, because those are mostly associated with Arabic culture, as opposed to Turkic culture. Alledgedly Xinjiang doesn't really have a tradition for the same long beards that you see in the middle east, but when the wahabism was gaining ground in Xinjiang, this started to change. Thus China tried to shut it down, since it was also being practiced by the people who returned from Syria / Afghanistan and had been thoroughly radicalized, and needed to be reeducated.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      3 years ago

      Wouldn't it be crazy if the US had a roll in cultivating and exporting Wahhabism for the purpose of manipulating geopolitics?

      • CTHlurker [he/him]
        3 years ago

        The thing is, if you're arguing with a liberal, you don't even need to say that American intelligence is actively supporting those freaks. Literally nothing I wrote in my prior post requires you to understand the world beyond anything more than "fun" history facts. I also wrote it partly because I am incredibly annoyed at the propaganda aimed at the elders in every mosque in my country.