Quaoar (50000 Quaoar), is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt, a region of icy planetesimals beyond Neptune. A non-resonant object (cubewano), it measures approximately 1,121 km (697 mi) in diameter, about half the diameter of Pluto. The object was discovered by American astronomers Chad Trujillo and Michael Brown at the Palomar Observatory on 4 June 2002. Signs of water ice on the surface of Quaoar have been found, which suggests that cryovolcanism may be occurring on Quaoar. A small amount of methane is present on its surface, which can only be retained by the largest Kuiper belt objects.

In February 2007, Weywot, a synchronous moon in orbit around Quaoar, was discovered by Brown. Weywot is measured to be 170 km (110 mi) across. Both objects were named after mythological figures from the Native American Tongva people in Southern California. Quaoar is the Tongva creator deity and Weywot is his son.

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  • Hippocrit [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Just walked in on Hasan basically supporting anti-mask, saying we need to get back to normal and can’t center our lives around immunocompromised, and suggesting a chatter with a lung condition who called him out probably doesn’t actually have a condition.

    Maybe the expensive house and car were red flags after all. He’s now covering Ukraine from a good perspective but holy shit I don’t think I can listen to him anymore

      • Hippocrit [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Yeah it definitely shouldn’t be surprising someone so privileged would have bad takes on certain things, but to have such a bad basically eugenicist take on COVID, even on something as stupid and a non-issue as masks, still caught me off guard

        I like, lower my expectations for certain people to account for things like say, choosing to put $200,000 towards a dumbass car, but holy shit even for a rich left commentator I didn’t see that level of :frothingfash: coming