So Trump’s going to win right?

What could the Democrats do to win if they actually cared to.

As background, US inflation is highest it’s been since Carter. “Guess we gave the poor too much money to not work.” In reality, billionaires are 50 percent richer.

  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I mean, I don't know if it would necessarily be Trump in 2024 as the candidate. I could see it going either way; his base breaking away from him in favour of somebody more fascistic, or them circling the wagons around him regardless of their criticisms if no alternative arises. Obviously, very few of the Republicans will switch from Trump to Biden or sit out the election because most of them have nothing better to do than vote, so if Trump is finalized as the candidate then you'd see similar numbers to 2020 (accounting for changes due to aging population and the pandemic killing Republicans more than Democrats which I think wouldn't be super significant on an electoral college basis, but who fucking knows if we get a worse variant).

    There's tons the Democrats could do to win - in fact, if I could collectively mind control every politician in the party then I reckon I could have them never lose another election. But if they did them, they wouldn't be the Democratic Party ideologically. Within those bounds, there honestly isn't much they could do. I personally find it difficult to distinguish to what extent the failcult is due to the Democrats are refusing to enact popular policies because they just don't think that way politically, and how much of it instead is some subconscious (or even just conscious) desire to not want to be responsible for the inevitable horrors that result from the crumbling empire, or even just anxiety about being responsible for ruling even if the empire wasn't crumbling. It's probably the former, it's just that we're unable to see the ideological boundaries that American politicians have propped up in their minds from decades of living and being conditioned by propaganda and their own wealth and power that just don't exist in our minds.

    All the Democrats will do is promise policies, so that, in an election situation, it's easy to be like "Ah, well, Biden wants to rebuild the country and cure cancer and I'm down with that", but they then just don't pass them or they're negotiated down to dust. It's the only thing they can do so long as the party continues to have the vast majority of its influence be captured by the wealthy, and almost none by the remaining 70-90% of the country. Will it work? I mean, it worked in 2008. It worked in 2012. It worked in 2020. It only hasn't worked when the candidates were too uncharismatic to get more voters than their hardcore base. On the other hand, Biden's ratings are abysmal. Hilariously low. They could easily change if the empire's decline can be normalized sufficiently, but man, that's a tricky task when you're dealing with things like inflation and wages that have a direct, everyday relation to people's lives, and not something nobody aside from libertarians and wonkish nerds viscerally care about like the national debt, or something far away, like continued occupation of foreign countries going badly.

    • Omegamint [comrade/them, doe/deer]
      3 years ago

      I was getting some groceries yesterday and the cashier commented on how much more expensive things were. She actually even commented on milk gallon prices (which would've been more humorous to me if not for the fact that this is legitimately how the lower classes are going to recognize their declining positions).

      Kind of one of those moments where I realized how absolutely screwed the lower classes are and how were obviously going to just swing deeper into fascism as the Dems continue to fumble doing anything beneficial whatsoever. Can't see anything other than crushing defeat for liberals in the horizon and it would be a lot more funny if I didn't have to live in the cesspit myself.

      • theother2020 [comrade/them, she/her]
        3 years ago

        the milk thing is funny because of the all the news videos that hit on the same day and that one family that buys like 30 gallons a week

        A few of the things I buy regularly just went up like 20-25%