So Trump’s going to win right?

What could the Democrats do to win if they actually cared to.

As background, US inflation is highest it’s been since Carter. “Guess we gave the poor too much money to not work.” In reality, billionaires are 50 percent richer.

  • karl3422 [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    what they could do about this is give a shit about what people want now while in government enacting policies to materially better the people Trump appeals to would go a long way as those people do have a legitimate point with their anger at the mainstream establishment not caring about them. And free healthcare and ending student loans would keep their current base populism is the order of the day and they need to get with the new program.

    the fact is the democrats don't understand the issue and think Trump's election was only because of moral and intellectual failings in his base for which they must be punished.