This comes from a long back and forth I had with the folks on hexbear on their news megathread (here and here).

For ya'll owns benefit I made an excerpt of the important points:

Relevant academic article titled “LGBT Advocacy and Transnational Funding in Singapore and Malaysia" on Pink Dot SG.

First we look at TransgenderSG On the first home page:

17 March 2021: Read the press release on the Universal Periodic Review report that we co-submitted with Sayoni and the Asia Pacific Transgender Network.

Ah the infamous Asian Pacific Transgender Network.

Some of their sponsors include the Robert Carr Fund and the Global Equality Fund.

Robert Carr Fund gets its money from:


I searched the Global Equality Fund and found it on of all places. Oh very nice.

It's nice that Google also funds APTN to really drive home that the US is a dictatorship of Capital.

The rest of these orgs:


TheProjectX - an NGO that wants to legalize sex work lol. No further comment.

The T Project:

The founder and director "participated in the U.S Department of State's International Visitor Leadership programme in 2018" and also "ILGA-Asia", oh you mean the sister branch of ILGA-Europe. (ILGA-Asia suspciously does not list any source of their funding...)


and ILGA World

Their Co-Secretary General: "Mexican Microfinance Institutions" (LOL), "MacArthur Foundation", "EXXON MOBIL" <-- now that's funnier.


Their other Co-Sec General: "Global Interfaith Network on Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (former Co-Chair)" the org in which has funding from:


Oogachaga has this to say about their own website:


Yes, the NGO is sponsored by the High Commission of Canada and is transparent about it.

The jokes write themselves. It's like a russian nesting doll of NGO and Western fuckery.

    8 months ago

    Queer folks just can't win. Either we're being persecuted for just existing or being used to spread western propaganda, which turns into persecution for just existing.

    8 months ago

    Excellent research comrade! It's important to expose these imperialist networks and make it clear that they do not represent or champion the interests of LGBT people in the global south, in fact they do the exact opposite. They put LGBT people at risk in the global south when inevitably the people living there - who are not stupid despite what the racist West likes to think - see their real agenda and start to associate LGBT with western imperialist meddling. It is important for genuine, grassroots LGBT advocacy organizations to distance themselves from these nefarious western funded NGOs.

      8 months ago


      However I'd like to add your analysis a bit. Excerpt from my other comment again:

      the material harm NGOs cause to people are two-fold.

      On a societal level, they aim to circumvent and build alternative structures to the current government and thus without the “democratic accountability” that these governments have to face (even if they are bourgeois dictatorships, they still have to manage the contradictions within society to remain in power). This can be seen in many colour revolutions that have occurred the past 50 years.

      They also introduce and import foreign concepts, what I call “academic lib phraseology”, without the democratic consultation and “diffusion” to the masses. The masses here aren’t dumb when they realise that these NGO liberals speak the same as any other NGO liberal in other countries or those in the West. This is not a coincidence.

      On a local level, despite their claim to the contrary, they actually maintain and sustain the oppression of LGBT people. Since they do not address the material basis of the oppression and are funded by foreign elements, their only justification and purpose for existing IS the existence of the oppression of LGBT people in the targeted Global South country.

      Why would an LGBT rights NGO founder want to achieve LGBT liberation? The founder would lose their only source of income and their entire career!

      This is similar to when the labour aristocrats in a trade union stops representing the interests of the rank-and-file.

      This also means that the NGOs feature the worst of the liberal activists, who are often groomed by the West in the first place through their scholarship programmes. They are filled with opportunists and careerists, because to them, civil society is their way of climbing the corporate ladder and for their “professional development”.