No money for healthcare. No money for education. No money for infrastructure. No money for unemployment. No money for childcare. No money for anything.
But imperialism?! War?? :so-true:
:biden-troll: cmon man, you supposedly got 4 covid tests for your household didn’t you? We stopped the chi-china…I’m sorry, we stopped the virus and now you can take your mask off thanks to me. I. Got. That. Done.
There it is. Always figured this was the end goal of the Russia stuff.
Coulda asked for a cool trillion if he hyped up the Russia/Ukraine situation just a little harder
Fun fact: the real number is already north of $1tn
Is it at all bad that my initial reaction to reading your post was "huh, yeah, prolly?" It feels bad. Like, I should be shocked, but nah
The only good thing about Biden is me getting to I told you so any of my friends who were spouting harm reduction at me
just make a 100 trillion military budget, just make number go up as much as possible I wanna see the chart where military spending is a full bar and domestic spending is pixel height to rub it into everyones face how imperialist this all is and how it must all be burned down