As pointed out in This Week in GNOME, there's been some continued work on Variable Rate Refresh for the GNOME desktop. The VRR setting within GNOME Settings continues to be iterated on as the developers iron out how they'd like to present the Variable Rate Refresh setting for users. The developers have been discussing how to best present the option as to avoid confusion as well as how it makes the most technical sense as far as the option goes.

Edit: "Variable Refresh Rate - Roadmap" -

    8 months ago

    The Steam Deck is what got me to finally try modern KDE and eventually switch to it. I recently moved my gaming PC to Fedora 39, and considered trying Gnome again for variety's sake until I remembered that it currently does not natively support VRR, so this is good news.

    I think I prefer Plasma at this point, and I'm excited with Plasma 6 around the corner, but my desktop PC is basically a gaming appliance, so I think the relative simplicity of Gnome might be nice to run on there eventually as these features catch up. I like to have variety in what I'm running anyways. I appreciate that it gives me a wider perspective on my preferences.

    8 months ago

    I'm currently daily driving Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. I didn't think GNOME would be all my thing, but it's really intuitive and has just enough options to satisfy all my desires (okay, I needed the gesture improvements extension for some of them).

    It's great to see GNOME focusing on what really matters. I think because they keep it simple to the user, they have more time to focus on important but harder to implement features rather than focusing on heavy customization (I love KDE too, don't worry) But now I want to switch to Fedora or something bleeding edge, because of GNOME.

    8 months ago

    I wish GNOME had DRM on Wayland, kinda annoying to always have to switch to Xorg for VR

      8 months ago

      I believe it's actually a Mutter thing [1]
