• 14 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 28th, 2021


  • When you log into a new client, you should get a request on a client you were already logged into where you just compare if the emojis are the same and then it should just send over the decryption keys. Granted, it hasn't always worked for me either but it does most of the time. And you'll be able to see new messages either way.

  • It's the other way around imo. I don't want to pay hundreds of euros for a console (which is still just a computer) that is slower than my phone just because Nintendo puts artificial restrictions on what hardware the software they make can run on. I already have a PC that could run those games perfectly fine. Or rather, it can run those games perfectly fine, way better than a Switch actually. Unfortunately, the only way for me to play those games on my PC, without having to buy a console I don't need, is to pirate them.

    So basically, I can either pirate the games for free to play them on my PC or I pay for a console for no other reason but to get the privilege of being able to pay for the games.

  • What I meant was that bad things will always happen simply because we're so many humans and a few bad ones will always exist, not because it's some sort of natural thing we can't stop. I absolutely agree that we can, and should, always work to make the world a better place. Religion might help you stay hopeful in that aspect but it doesn't help you in actually doing something to make that happen. Without a god, all issues are caused by humans, which also means that those issues can be fixed by humans. On one hand, it means that we need to do everything ourselves and don't have someone or something helping us but on the other hand, it also means that we can fix everything ourselves and we don't actually need any help.

  • I don't think there's a soul. If you really think about what you "are", it's just your thoughts, memories and senses. Everything that you experience as "you" in this exact moment is the thoughts you're thinking, the memories you can recall and the information your senses are giving you. If someone were to make an exact clone of you, including all the memories in your brain, you would both think that you're the real "you" but you would also be two different people with different thoughts and perceptions. But what happened to the soul in this case? Has it been cloned too or has a completely new soul been created? In any case, there has to be a new soul because 2 people obviously can't have the same one. If you instead transplanted the brain into the clone, would your soul have been transferred? I would think so. But doesn't that just mean that what we think of as a soul, is just our brain?

  • My thinking is the same and I get what you mean with wishing that you'd believe in a higher power but I'm not sure if believing in a higher power would actually put me at ease. A god would be something we have no control over and who, to some degree, would have to judge things as good or bad, even if they're not objectively one or the other. It also kinda puts me at ease that life is just over when you die and there's no deeper meaning to life. It means that I can live however I see fit and I don't have to worry about going to heaven or hell or whether I'm following the path that was set out for me. I also think that it's better to accept that bad things just happen, be that to you or other people, instead of just saying that some god wanted it to happen like that. It means that you actually have to work to fix issues and can't just rely on some higher power to do it for you.