Microsoft said: "We are forming a new team focused on enabling the adoption of the Rust programming language as the foundation to modernizing global scale platform services, and beyond"

    7 months ago

    Relevant to the article, I have a question to the Rust community as someone who doesn't know the language.

    Is it a meme that you want to rewrite everything in Rust, or is it kinda actually serious?

      7 months ago
      fn main() {
          println!("Relevant to the article, I have a question to the Rust community as someone who doesn’t know the language.\n\nIs it a meme that you want to rewrite everything in Rust, 
      or is it kinda actually serious?");
      7 months ago

      It's kinda serious, but definitely also a meme. Basically, Rust is the safest mainstream language out there (unlike languages like C or C++, which are full of foot guns, or things like JavaScript or Python, which aren't even strongly typed), so there's a strong desire to rewrite things in just because you often don't encounter stupid bugs in Rust code - the compiler won't let you write it. There are safer languages out there, but they're highly impractical for general purposes and are used for insanely mission critical shit (e.g. pacemakers).

      I'd give this a quick watch:

      7 months ago

      Both. Primarily most software written in C should be rewritten to a memory safe language, be it Rust or some other alternative. Because there is a lot of software written in C, this is a veeeeery long term goal, and will probably never be achieved 100%, but at least Microsoft seems to be on board with this.

    7 months ago

    of course it sucks that rust is fixing decaying capitalist infrastructure. but at least its a good product that we can all maximize our benefits from.