"Herd immunity" is code for Malthusian social Darwinist genocide. Stay woke about the pro-covid bugchasing fetish which the borg hive has socially-mandated to ensure the lines on the economy graphs keep going up.

We knew two years ago that bourgeois politicians would let covid be a holocaust that would kill a million "undesirables", typical nazi PMC praxis https://www.milforddailynews.com/story/opinion/columns/2020/10/31/opinionmendenhall-herd-immunity-or-herd-eugenics/114595828/

We all should keep in mind the known prejudice of the Hoover Institute for laissez-faire economics, libertarian let-the-strongest-flourish philosophy, and antisocialism. This kind of social Darwinism has a lot of links to earlier academic rabbit holes like eugenics and forced sterilization, all gilded with the lofty goal of strengthening our productive population — at least those who survive. The Great Barrington authors make no mention of several facts: if we reach herd immunity by infection recovery, we need at least 40 to 60 percent, or over 150 million infected. At the lowest likely Infection Fatality Ratio of .8 percent, that is well over one million U.S. dead. For extreme right-wing interests, this pandemic and “herd immunity” are right up their alley. What better way to reduce welfare than by reducing the poor and vulnerable population? What better way to reduce health care costs than by reducing the number of patients? What better way to reduce the cost of Social Security than by reducing the numbers of elderly?