Being told this is fairly reliable for info on the situation in Ukraine. let me know if it isn’t.

  • Vncredleader [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Total war was declared when he chose to arm civilians and politicians. Its not about how much of your land the enemy wants. By making civilians targets Zelensky has escalated things to a bloodbath. A full blown annexation does not necessarily mean residential areas becoming craters, but telling civilians to throw molotovs from balconies does. This may or may not benefit HIM at a negotiation, but it will kill more Ukrainians in the process. He wants a slaughter, he is going out of his way to make it a prolonged war, stopping people from fleeing as front-line troops surrender peacefully. Filling those units with old men and boys is not a given just cause it is a defensive war. They have not seen much action, but they have been killing eachother in the confusion and fearmongering. That is on his hands.

    Zelensky is a bastard in all of this, through and through. There is no Ukraine to negotiate for when the cities are rubble and you've dragged civilians off the busses to die rather than negotiate now while the military still exists in some form

    • hwoarang [any]
      3 years ago

      Total war was declared when he chose to arm civilians and politicians.

      no it wasn't. if america invaded korea or somewhere and the koreans armed civilians you wouldn't in a million years suggest that korea had declared total war. and you'd be right. it's a very grim thing to do but it's not within a thousand miles of that.

      as front-line troops surrender peacefully.

      I mean this is a total mis-characterisation of the war that's happening now. the ukraine forces are clearly fighting, losing but fighting.

      if civilians start seeing major casualties, the russians start rolling through cities and it turns into insurgency war and he doesn't basically fall on his sword and surrender then I'll agree he's a total ghoul. not seen it yet and the amount of stuff on here that's acting as though it's already happened seems weird to me.

      it's okay saying he should have just surrendered but even if he wanted to I don't believe for a second that this liberal jewish bloke is going to go to the army head brass and say "just let them in" and survive the night. just not realistic.

      fuck that don't think any early surrender was ever realistic.