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Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict

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Time/Map: https://time.is/Ukraine


Leftist discussion threads:




Twitter military updaters:






Global South Perspective: https://nitter.net/kiranopal_/status/1498723206496145413

Better war/propaganda analysis:



News updates:


Live: https://www.cgtn.com/special/Live-update-Ukraine-Russia-border-crisis.html

YT/Video in Ukraine:



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  • jabrd [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I don’t understand the compulsion to balance the ledger on which side has shaken hands with more Nazis. It imagines that denazification is an option actually on the table but it just plainly isn’t a viable capitalist political project. At best you just get combatting nationalisms with one fash element destroying another. And if you’re lucky as a consumer of political content you get to see the side that dresses in the fash regalia that pusses you off in particular get destroyed. Denazification can only be pursued via leftist, socialist politics

    • Commander_Data [she/her]
      3 years ago

      All these ghouls read Marx to develop countermeasures against the proletariat ever organizing. Maybe this fash v fash shit is a way to further atomize folks and prevent contradictions from becoming manifest in the consciousness of the workers.

      • jabrd [he/him]
        3 years ago

        It's funny because if you go to WWI you can see a pretty clear example of what happens when socialists pitch in with the imperial powers in their power struggles. It doesn't end in success for the left. WWII is a special case because it did in fact feature a socialist option and so a contribution to the war effort meant a contribution to the protection of that fledgling socialist project. That said, if you were a commie in either the UK or US who aided in the war effort what did you get in return? Liberal powers drafting Nazis into the new NATO organization and disenfranchisement via red-scare within your own nation. That's why my point is that denazification doesn't exist under liberalism, the fascists are born from material conditions that liberalism cannot by definition change. So even a liberal victory over fascism ultimately results in fascism re-emerging at a later date. It's only redistributive and socialist political projects that stomp out the root of fascist ideology and actually complete the goal of denazification. As an individual in war time? Help those around you and protect the people you can. But as a larger left project getting co-opted into the liberal project of imperialist wars doesn't do us any good

          • jabrd [he/him]
            3 years ago

            Fully agreed and part of that analysis is recognizing the cooptation traps that liberalism has in place for the radical left elements. The american civil war is an excellent example because denazification was in fact on the table for reconstruction as put forward by the radical republicans, but instead a liberal half measure that maintained the material conditions of inequity was pursued and so the fascist elements were never fully defanged. Shooting all the nazis isn't enough, you have to destroy the institutions that create the nazis in the first place and liberalism will not allow us to do that because those institutions are liberal institutions.

        • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
          3 years ago

          if you were a commie in the UK who aided in the war effort what did you get in return?

          speeding up the end of your town getting bombed every night

      • Alaskaball [comrade/them]M
        3 years ago

        The position of the COMINTERN at the time prior to the fascist invasion of the USSR, was that it was an inter-imperialist conflict that was going to drag the USSR into it at one point or another - the question at that point of time was a matter of "how long can we delay the inevitable" and "when most likely are we going to enter the conflict".

        It was at this point we saw the Communist movements in Germany, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Poland, France, Denmark, Norway, Greece, Yugoslavia, Albania, Bulgaria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, etc. squashed to varying degrees with refugees fleeing outwards from the newly installed regimes, and the USSR happened to recieve a decent amount of them due to their proximity. And with those refugees came stories of the union busting, labor rights slashing, capitalist looting, the whole nine yards. There was a tacit understanding that a confrontation between the Communists and the anti-communists was inevitable, that you would need to have your head buried in the sand to not notice it.

        Of course in the lead-up to the moments before the fascist beasts swallowed up many countries the position of the comintern stilled followed revolutionary defeatist action and that the Communist parties of their respective countries were expected to combat capitalism and social-chauvinists that muddy the waters of Marxist ideology. After countries started to fall one-by-one, the comintern shifted to forming all-socialist united fronts with all the socialist ideological strains to combat the surging tide of fascism, to later forming popular fronts with the capitalists threatened by the fascists to strategically collaborate against the greater threat. This meant the usual ideological combat between communists and capitalists were put on the backburner, and temporary class collaboration was permitted until the fascist threat was extinguished.