I see these things the same as the Kony 2012 mania. A brief cultural flash that people involved in will look back at to say they were there for it with very little reflection on their actual role. It is mass virtue signaling at its finest.
These types of propaganda efforts have been finely honed to work on a certain type of person. They are mind virus es that use social media as a host to spread across the population.
I see these things the same as the Kony 2012 mania. A brief cultural flash that people involved in will look back at to say they were there for it with very little reflection on their actual role. It is mass virtue signaling at its finest.
There’s literally an old Kony 2012 sticker and a Ukrainian flag visible on the same block near where I live. What a time to be alive.
These types of propaganda efforts have been finely honed to work on a certain type of person. They are mind virus es that use social media as a host to spread across the population.