All I can think about is being present in the moment and escaping my social feed full of stupid challenge posts and their donut morning hauls.

What are you bumping/head nodding to that has come out since May? Here's my contribution. PUBLIC ENEMY - State Of The Union (STFU) featuring DJ PREMIER | OFFICIAL VIDEO

  • AsleepInspector
    4 years ago

    I was on an RTJ4 kick, but Killer Mike's hypocrisy makes his words ring hollow.

    The latest Bright Eyes album has got me revisiting my younger years through their old discography. Let's Not Shit Ourselves

      • AsleepInspector
        4 years ago


        I am willing to join a fucking betting pool the left will lose until revolution lines the streets (Edit: and still lose long after, because they operate upon being the 'resistance').

        "Go home, stop protesting," coming from a man who has spent his rap career about uniting and revolting? Nullifies whatever he's been attempting to do with his platform. Fuck that landlord.