trying to wade through the river of shit that is the last 2 weeks of takes on russia and ukraine. and its just too much to get to the little nuggets of relevant information alone. so i was thinking why not crowd source it? i propose you give the pod and episode name and rate it 1-5 with optional comments if there is any interest in participating. my source are mainly the podking archives.
alright i'll just kick it off with what i have for now:
red star radio - ImperialismUpdateWhattheUkraineInvasionMeans ..5/5
Politics Theory Other - [? #01] MEADWAY UKR PATRONS FINAL.......3/5
popularfront - BONUS103WhyBorysQuitWarReporting.................2/5
popularfront - reportingfromWarTornKyiv ........................2/5
New Models - NM Special Report: OSINT & Ukraine w/ .............0/5 did not finish
Red Star Radio - TheEndoftheNewWorldOrderwithTaraMcCormack......4/5
Minion Death Cult - Not too surprisingly, most people overes ...3/5 entertaining