...The truck lurches foreward. It hums with electric powers. It's headlights an irritating blue-white LEDs. Enough to blind a person wearing shades.

The truck begins to roll, and roll and roll down the road of quiet bungalows. Its driver still at home, confused, not sure where his truck has gone. Tries to get the tracker app working but its also confusing.

On a sub main street with some shops the truck approaches. It suddenly hits a small car, bang! It drive on, rumbling engine, empty cab, no driver behind that wheel, just some plastic and wires. It goes on and heads for another boulevard.

Will the evil automaton 2023 E-Ram 3500 imperil the citizens of exurban place area? Will its owner intervene and avert certain doom?! Perhaps the conclusion of "Hard wired to kill" will be posted NEXT TIME... like in the comments when I feels like it.