Welcome everybody, in what is now the year of the Dragon! Make yourself at home. In the time-honoured tradition of our group, here is the weekly discussion thread.
● Matrix homeserver and space
● Theory discussion group on Matrix
● Find theory on ProleWiki, marxists.org, Anna's Archive and libgen; audio versions by Socialism For All
"'I hope you all have a nice week :D' -Oppo"-Comrade Pup Ivy
Wait can you just do that?
I have made it to the top, I have become the spiderman meme
As it turns out. Yes, yes I can. I have clearly become all powerfull
Have you prepared a capybara video for when graineater says "you too"?
you eight
I can admit, this is a better video than the one I had found... and I was sleeping on the job
Don't worry next time your video will blow everyone's expectations
I agree with the thesis statement of this video
This is what the bourgeoisie will be reduced to under Capyland
who would become Graineater's scratcher?
... no.. I have not yet... I guess I need to do that now don't I
Would you truly be all powerful if you did not?
Good point, I have a video, thank you for reminding me of this.