I'm in my late thirties. Played a lot of video games when I was a kid through college and a little after. But this whole idea of there being a "gaming culture" or how being a "gamer" is a major part of peoples' personalities just seems weird to me. Not even a complaint, just an observation.


  • binman [none/use name]
    2 years ago

    Nobody would identify themselves as “a movie watcher” or “a music listener”.

    I think they do, actually. The people who contribute to IMDB or music lyric sites pretty much define themselves like this.

    "Gamer" is just a similar ingroup. It's understandable that it got started because nerds who played computer games got bullied by just about everyone in society and computer games were the one place they could not be traumatized. It's not a surprise that having found an ingroup at last, they went overboard with it.

    Ingroups are super important to humans. Humans without ingroups can and will kill themselves in despair.