Who would've thought? Who could've possibly foreseen this happening again? It was all supposed to be gravy now. We defeated COVID, didn't we? Al Pacino heading back inside, "Just when I thought I was out, COVID pulls me back in!"

  • bansrimpossible [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Yeah, this is about the outcome anyone should have anticipated when the Trump admin did nothing to stymie the spread.

    I distinctly remember telling people that there was no plan coming, US states are on their own and you'd better hope there's a neutralizing vaccine or they're just doing herd immunity. And the vaccines weren't neutralizing so now the US is going for herd immunity (though they seem to reduce risk for most people enough that I'd tell people they can ignore the adverse reactions if they're >30, have a comorbidity/risk factor, or are exposed to a lot of people due to work or other obligations). I'm not even sure why the Dems are taking their foot off the gas for their trip to election devastation though? They're obviously pulling back on the masks and whatnot because it's not effective and it helps their polling... But why? They can't lose anything more than they're going to, it's not like they could have lost so badly that Joe would actually get impeached and removed afterwards, but given how badly they want to lose the House & Senate you'd think they were trying to lose that badly... But then they pull back on the mandates and shit? Such a confused strategy.

    On the plus side for me, the first time I had it there was no effect. I found out I had antibodies when I requested they check for them during routine bloodwork in Jul 2020. Still present in May 2021, and then I'm 99,% certain I had omicron during New Years period because my brother-in-law tested positive and we were adjacent to each other a lot during that time - though I may have been sleeping in a weird position the night prior because it only manifested as a stuffy nose for an afternoon the day after he tested positive. Then my partner (who's 59) had it in February and confirmed it with a test and we didn't do anything differently - cooked/ate/slept/sex together - and I never had any symptoms.