Disclaimer: This thread isn't intended to be anti-omnivore or for that matter isn't intended to be a pro-vegan post. Any struggle sessions that might occur are entirely unintentional. It's supposed to be asking about "eat all meat or almost all meat" diets as are a fad right now that is pushed by :jordan-eboy-peterson: , his daughter, and similar grifters.

I ask because I don't know the answer. I truly don't.

I really don't want to dive too deep into chud circles (I find my chud content pre-curated so I don't have to get in too deep) and I very truly do not know what the benefit of all meat or mostly meat diets is supposed to be, even for them in their own belief systems.

I suppose they may (falsely, hilariously falsely) talk about how it boosts their testosterone count, which is rather remarkable considering how many contradictory hormones they're taking in with their processed meats compared to the :soy-cutie: products that seem to terrify them. :soy-chill:

They complain about bowel distress and gastrointestinal issues, even to each other. When are the perks supposed to happen that make that worth it? What's the intended upside? Is there anything to it, any beneficial claims at all, or is it all performative chuddery even amongst themselves?

Edit: I removed the word "carninist" from the title because either I used it wrong or it has dissenting opinions about what it means. I said "carninist" specifically to refer to the all-meat/nearly-all-meat fad going around right now.